23 06 2018
Marivi and Miguel didn’t want a typical wedding, they wanted a party where their energy were transmited, their way of being, their story as a couple. So we looked for a private house where besides the wedding we could celebrate a dinner the night before and a post-wedding barbecue.
A house where the closest relatives could be hosted and enjoy a three days party, an authentic tropical party.
The wedding we had always dreamed about! It was top notch! . We will remember fthat day all our lives because the best of all is that we were ourselves and we did a wedding as we are. Thanks Vanessa, thanks for everything and I don’t say it because you’re my friend. We already counted with our friendship but because we have counted on your professionalism, originality and good work. You are the best!
Marivi and Miguel, June 23, 2018
Fotografia y video Romanza Bodas
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